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What sets Tatiana apart is the unique integration of her interests. Her interest in human sexuality infuses her counseling approach with a deep understanding of the complexities of the human experience. Her passion for yoga emphasizes the power of mindfulness in her work. Both are essential to navigating the intricate dance between your mind and body.


Services Offered:


  • Counseling - Tatiana's approach to therapy highlights the interplay between your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. Through a range of evidence-based techniques, Tatiana's goal is to provide a space that is collaborative, supportive, and sex-positive.

  • Yoga - Tatiana is a trauma-informed yoga instructor with experience teaching in various settings including substance abuse recovery, juvenile justice, veterans affairs, and public studio classes. Yoga is a powerful tool for healing, and her teaching philosophy revolves around creating a safe and inclusive space for anyone to explore their mind-body connection. 

  • Education - Tatiana is a firm believer in the power of knowledge. She offers educational resources and workshops to the community, spreading awareness about mental health, sex education and holistic well-being.

  • Mala:Well - Tatiana creates meditation beads with the intent to make wearable art for purposeful meditation. These meditation mala beads are more than just beautiful adornments; they're curated with care and intention, with the aim of helping you elevate your meditation practice. 


Discomfort is an unavoidable visitor. It knocks on the doors of our lives, urging us to confront our fears, anxieties, and uncertainties. But within this discomfort lies the opportunity to transform, to heal, and to thrive. 

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